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Showing Up Whole: The Workshop for Working Moms

  • Hopewell Works 130 East Chestnut St. Columbus, OH 43215 United States (map)


The Showing Up Whole Workshop will:

  • help women take credit for their daily rockstar working mom performance

  • invite moms to explore their mixed emotions about this mixed bag of challenges

  • empower working moms to make their home and work lives mesh better, and

  • share ideas to help everyone build up her village (harnessing the power of digital and social media for good!)


Attendees learn the history of how society, the economy, education, politics and even digital trends have converged to create the most challenging environment in the history of families.


Open a conversation working moms are not able to have in personal settings, and encourage them to create new ways they can manage work and home in tandem.


Participants are invited to join an online social group of other working moms. The ongoing conversation helps all moms share tips, tricks and encouragement.