“Women’s unpaid labor has increased by 153% during the pandemic.”
What would you do with more time?
It's a well-known fact that most couples struggle to establish equity when it comes to domestic labor. While the imbalance is often unintentional, it leaves the “default” parent feeling stressed, spread too thin, and resentful. Additionally, the one shouldering the load is stripped of their “Unicorn Space”, or rather, time spent doing things that bring them joy. The pandemic has only exacerbated this issue.
Fair Play is a way for families to divide domestic responsibilities. The system consists of simple rules, tips and conversations starters to help household partnership run more smoothly, reduce anxiety, and allow time for interests and hobbies. The result is a rebalanced home life, reconnection between significant others, and reclaiming the Unicorn Space to explore things that bring you joy.
The final outcomes of the Fair Play workshop include a new vocabulary that will change the way you think and talk about your domestic life, a system that sets you and your partner up for success in your relationship and parenting, and a way to discover your Unicorn Space so you stay passionate and vibrant with a deep sense of self-worth.
How does Fair Play work in the workplace?
In every working parent household, there is a “default parent.” Whether or not this parent works outside of the home, they are laden with the myriad of responsibilities that come along with raising a family. By offering Fair Play training to employees through HR or ERG initiatives, workers are given tools to work toward balance in their households—ultimately reducing the risk of burnout and allowing them to bring more of themselves to the table at work.
Introducing the concept of “all time is created equal” Eve Rodsky explains that in our society, men’s time is measure in diamonds and women’s time is measured in sand. In the professional setting, this lack of equity costs women opportunities to gain footing on leadership tracts or explore interests to further their career.
While Fair Play discusses these concepts through the lens of a heterosexual marriage with kids, she explains that the ideas apply to partnerships and families of all shapes and sizes.
Reclaim Your Unicorn Space
Before you became partnered or married, or before you had children, do you remember what you were passionate about and what made you interesting? More importantly, what gave you feelings of self-worth?
Applying the concepts of Fair Play will award you with time. Time to explore your interests, talents and gifts that make you uniquely you. Time to find purpose that will lead you to a happier and more fulfilled life—something everyone deserves and needs.
Schedule a Discovery Session to learn about how a’parently can introduce Fair Play to employers or couples.
How can Fair Play work for you?
Schedule a 30-minute discussion with a’parently’s Managing Director to learn about how Fair Play can benefit organizations and couples.