Saying No During Back-to-School

August is supposed to be part of the lazy, hazy days of summer. It’s sure hot enough in most places.

But for me, it’s actually a different (but still rhyming) word: crazy.

School starts for us Aug. 21 but our district is late compared to our surrounding neighbors. When does it start for you? Let me know in the comments when you have to head back.

I learned the hard way that I can’t do anything “extra” in August. This is not the month to add a networking coffee or lunch date to my schedule. If anything, I need to work through lunches this month so I can leave early for the Back-to-School Ice Cream Social, the Meet the Teacher Night, the Kindergarten Play Date, the final doctor’s and dentists appointments, etc.

When I stopped taking on extra things in August, it got better.

How do you protect your time? Let me know what your tips are, and let’s make this easier for everyone by sharing!